Hello, I'mKaushik Dhola

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Professional Experience

Sep 2021 - Present

Data Scientist - Wipro-Holmes AI Solutions

Wipro Limited, Bangalore, India
  • Designed an algorithm with 50+ pipelines to process the entire census process for Canada Census (HR) Automation project which reduced the manual processing time from 1-2 days to 2-3 Minutes with well over 100 per cent accuracy.

  • Conducted research and implemented AI applications, designed solution scoping and architecture, translated analysis into actionable recommendations, consulted client-facing teams on data science use cases and consistently prioritized providing an optimized solution.
  • Implemented various data analytics and AI applications for cross-industry including prediction models and data pipeline implementation.
  • Deployed various AI applications including Automation Systems, clustering objects like images into different categories and pre-processing of complex datasets based on specified conditions.
  • Strategized and executed the development of data products for cross-industry clients to address gaps and challenges in their data journeys.
  • Utilize specific business knowledge and general business acumen to support effective IT engagement.
Jan 2021 - Feb 2021

Artificial Intelligence Intern

Widhya, Hyderabad, India
  • Worked on Natural Language Processing project, extracted data from the CVs and Resume and Clustered them into different categories.

  • Visualized data from 6 different Uber Datasets and for the prediction with ANN and Time Series Forecasting.
  • Built movie recommendation system by performing Text Mining, Feature Selection (user similarity and movie similarity) and Matrix Factorization.
  • Implemented a forecasting system to predict flight delays trained and validated on over 5.8 million data using Decision Tree Classifier.
Oct 2020 - Nov 2020

Data Analyst Intern

MedTourEasy, Delhi, India
  • Experienced the hands-on working of a Data Analyst Professional and Analysed the data insights of a set of data to perform Feature Selection.
  • Worked on project titled ” Predict Blood Donations”” which resolved the issue of reaching out to the most promising donors and elevated the ratio of blood donors by 30%.
  • Completed fourteen domain-related training courses including Data Visualization, Classification and Regression Algorithms, Principal Component Analysis, and Text Mining from Coursera.

Academic Projects

  • All
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Android Application
  • Web Application

Helmet Violation Spotter

Artificial Intelligence

AI-based Question Generator

Artificial Intelligence

Handwritten Text Recognition for Prediction of Customer Feedback

Artificial Intelligence

Bank Term Deposit Classification

Artificial Intelligence

Anti-Theft Security

Android Application


Web Application

International Publication

May 2021

A Comparative Evaluation of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classification Techniques for Sentiment Analysis

IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering, Confluence 2021, Amity University | Noida, India
  • Trained and Tested a Model on 1.6 million sentiments using various Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms including Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, and Long Short-Term Memory.

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